Supermodel shot at Butte, Montana rest stop. Hah.
I am so grateful that these girls let me tag along.
After surprising my family at the Moses Lake football game on Friday night, I got to sleep in the next day, AND my little brother Landon made me some breakfast. :)
Got to visit my sweet little Preza. Or as Maren says, Prezzy Dezzy.
Caught up with my grandma, she makes sure I got some snacks in my belly.
Got to see just a lil' bit of our home sunsets. Tugged at my heart a little.
Meet my best pal, Daddy.
The always handsome brother Joshie on his big night. So glad I got to come home to see him all fancied up.
My beautiful cousins. (I was all dressed up from a baptism.)
The truth about our relationship. I adore him, and well, he adores me too. ?
bwahaha. (yes Maren, sound it out.)
By far, it was one of the best weekends of my life. I got to go home, surprise the family, be with family, and just enjoy the comforts of home. I got a spiritual reboost, and found peace there in which I had needed. Families are forever. I am so blessed. Knowing that I have this home to return to, and this amazing family to call my own, makes everything all better. I may not necessarily be "homesick", but I'll be more than happy at anytime to go home. In fact, I'm going home in two weeks. :)
Now. Not only did I get to have the home weekend, I got to have the Maren weekend. Just about 42 hours ago. And may I say, what an amazing weekend it turned out to be. I'll let the pictures speak for itself!
Reunited. <3
The long, awaited hug.
She's still the cutest lil' girl.
I got to meet this amazing girl Miry, also known as... Mae Mae. This is the sweet girl who took care of my Mare during their summer semester. She is the coolest. I was actually REALLY sad to leave her. Hence the saddness in my face. I love Miry Mae Mae. Maren was right, she is one of the most awesome girls we'll ever know.
I even was able to spend one night, all of us together, minus some, but still together.
And then the weekend was over, and it was time for me to go. :( Saying goodbye is STILL hard.
But... on the way back to Rexburg, we stopped and admired this new, beautiful temple. Brigham City. Moses Lake next?
Just feeling thankful and full of gratitude!
It's strange, I've been having a lot happen to me in my first year of college. Whether it's hard things or happy things, or just flat out dumb things that I can't control- Heavenly Father hasn't been letting me suffer. Like at all. I've had a lot change in less than two months. More just less than a month. Different things have broken my heart, or put me to the test, but for some bizarre reason, I'm okay. Guys, I'm surviving! Haha. Just recently my life has become hectic and things that I never saw coming are just happening left and right, but Heavenly Father has just been handing me opportunities to feel okay. I got to go home and recieve guidance and love from my family, and this past weekend I got to have fun with my friends and meet new people and know that there IS life outside of mine. Life goes on. And through it all, I've had Heavenly Father to lean on. If there is one thing that I learned from General Conference this weekend, it's that OUR time isn't the LORD'S time. He has a plan for us that we can't see, and we just need to put our trust in Him and that's exactly what I've done. I've left it up to him. He'll take care of me and keep His promises, if I will continually try to better myself and have full faith in Him. I do not need to fear or be unhappy, because Heavenly Father is stirrin' up some big plans for me. And I can't wait to find out what that is. He knows what I want, and He will wait til He sees what is fit for me at the right time. My testimony is growing stronger and stronger by the day, and I know He listens to me. I may think that a certain something needs to be in my life at this time, but He might see it a little different. He knows what's best, and that is all I want. I am extremely grateful for the power of prayer, and for the blessings and answers I recieve. Life is just fine. Life is good. I'm growin', I'm survivin'.