Thursday, April 10, 2014

Bye Bye Burgie.

Just like it quickly came, the semester quickly went. Each semester is always hard for different reasons, and easier for other reasons as well. For example, my level of homesickness this semester was hardly a problem compared to my very first semester a year or so ago. But this semester was also the hardest academically compared to any semester I've ever had. Stress definitely made an appearance this semester, but it doesn't matter anymore, because I made it through and I am DONE with Winter Semester 2014!

I learned a lot about myself this semester. About my personality, my new pet peeves (haha), and about what I really want. And I've learned  lots of other things in general. Here's just a few.... LOL.
  • I can get addicted to Netflix really quickly.
  • My new hobby is buying/collecting movies, apparently. Addiction? No, commitment. 
  • I like to sleep with the window open.
  • Earplugs are the only way I can get through a night's sleep in an apartment full of girls.
  • I'm really good at writing essays, just not research essays. Especially 12 paged ones.
  • It drives me crazy when people (roommates) leave all the lights on.
  • It also drives me crazy when people (roommates) don't know how to close doors when they leave.
  • I'm sick of being around couples, and seeing couples everywhere. 
  • I despise the sound of a blow dryer.
  • I like to complain.
  • I'm truly a neat freak. 
  • I tend to be late to class.
  • I'm just really bad at math. Like, really bad.
  • Boys just don't look good in mustard yellow skinny jeans. (The things you see on campus.)
  • I'm quite the Betty Crocker/Domestic Goddess. I bake and cook, all the time. (And I'm pretty good.)
  • Sometimes you just have to call your Grandma.
  • Even at BYU-I, people will still steal your headphones.
  • I miss drill team way more than I thought. 
  • I am seriously, and undeniably addicted to Costa Vida. Heaven in a salad.
  • Some people just don't know how to chew their food quietly. (cringe.)
  • Golden Bear Strawberry Lemonade's are the only way I can get through road trips.
  • I have to have a private stash of Dove Chocolate's in one of my drawers. 
  • I probably need to lose weight from this semester... and the semesters before that....
  • Life sucks when you don't have a job... or money.
  • I think about the past way too much.
  • I tend to be a scaredy cat.
  • School definitely is just NOT my thing.
  • It's okay to take chances. 
  • Don't push yourself if your just really not ready.
  • You are the only one that can make yourself happy.
I learned a lot this semester now that I think about it. Insignificant and significant. It's been real Rexburg, but I really can't wait to get back to Washington for a long break. Ready to be working again, riding my horse again, and hanging out with my family again. OH, and to meet my new car. :) I'm ready for a summer full of new adventures and new lessons to learn. 

I'm going to go start packing, because I'm really excited now.