I haven't blogged since April... is blogging still even cool? If not, don't read this.
However, I think it's only right to give one last blog concerning my time here at BYU-Idaho. My time has come to an end, for those who haven't heard. I ending the chapter in the book on my little college town, and taking my Associates Degree, and movin' back home!
The biggest thing that has been on my mind in the past few years has been happiness, and what that is for me. For those who know me the most, they know how much I disliked college. Not that I couldn't do it and be successful (I mean, come on, I got all A's this semester in 6 classes), but that it wasn't for me and I wasn't enjoying life like I should have been.
When I left for home for the summer in April, I got the biggest prompting and idea that (at least, right now), getting my Bachelors in Elementary Education wasn't in the plans anymore. That scared me! What the heck else was I going to do? But I remember feeling excited and sure that I would finish out my associates degree and find whatever else that "thing" was.
And I think I found it! I mean, I don't really know yet, because I haven't done it or looked too far into it, but I'm thinking that hair school could definitely be an option. I don't know when I'll do it or how, but all I know is that it's my option. It could be within the next year or so, but right now, I've got a lot else going on and a lot of home time to catch up on.
I'm a home lover. I don't like college, and I don't like living with random girls. In the 5 semesters that I've been here, I've lived with 25 girls total. That's kind of insane. It definitely makes me appreciate my brothers. I also love being in Moses Lake, working, and always being around my family. Not in a college town of unfamiliar people that are a lot more social than I am, haha.
And obviously, a boyfriend has definitely come into the picture, so why would I want to be in Rexburg, Idaho, when my best friend is in Moses Lake?
So, coming into this semester I told myself to make the most of it and enjoy it. I had the wonderful opportunity to have my cousins, Heidi and Marquel here with me and live with some of my good friends from my first semester. It was definitely a party and it was the best thing to have them here with me. It was their first semester, and my last. So many wonderful things happened this semester, and so many wonderful memories were made. I wish them the best of luck in the rest of their endeavors here in this freezing little town.
It is bittersweet, leaving Rexburg. Most of the time I hated it, but it was the first place to call home away from home, and it was the place that made me grow up and learn how to be independent. I think I'll miss the people I met and love most. I'll miss my little adult life here. But I know that I have so much to look forward to.
So, thanks, BYU-I. For helping get one step further in life, for teaching me how to grow up, and for being a part of my book of life. I probably won't miss you that much, but I'll probably miss you a little bit.
Stay tuned for the next adventure in my little book. I don't know what it'll be, but it'll be great.