Tuesday, June 5, 2012

High School Graduate?

So, I did it! I peaced out of high school like it was no body's business! Haha. But really. Saturday was definitely a memorable day, there were so many happy emotions. I don't think I even cried once like I imagined I would. ONLY BECAUSE IT'S JUST SO EXCITING! My summer has already started! I don't work at all this week until Friday. So what do I get to do while my family is off at school and work? I get to sleep IN. Hang out in sweats. Make thank you letters, and carry up great gifts to my room. A little bit about gifts. I now have my kitchen stuff all good to go. HOLY JUNK. Like, I have my own silverware!! And my own cheese grater! Uh, weird. Just weird. But awesome. Also, now I have enough to pay for an entire year of housing at college, which is something to definitely be excited about! But I think my favorite part that came of graduation, is this pretty little laptop sitting right in front of me. I LOVE IT. Of course, when I go to college, it'll have to be used for other things such as school work... but for right now, it is soooo much fun to play around with. I'd say it was worth getting through high school. So, now that I am graduated... I got one long summer of work and fun, and then it's college time. I guess you could already consider me a freshman in college? Registration is on June 20th. Heck, I don't know what I'm supposed to take! That's why I got a mom and lots of older friends! Life is just getting good. I am happy. Now that I'm not everywhere at once, and things have started to slow down, I get time to read my scriptures in the morning and am making time for at night. I think that has DEFINITELY played into the happiness role. I have to make that a steady routine, because when I go to college, that's when I'll need my Heavenly Father the most. I can't wait for what's next. But for right now, a relaxed summer, with 2 good jobs, good friends, and skyping almost every night with Maren sounds good! I can't believe she's actually moving away next Wednesday... I don't think it has hit me yet, one bit. I don't know how I'll react to Wednesday, but it's ok because we'll always be together... and we both got pretty lap tops to skype with each other on. Thank goodness for today's technology! I am so glad to be done with high school. I am ready for the next part of life. I'm a high school graduate, and a freshman in college. Here we go.


  1. I love you Kenna! Congrats on the graduation! :)

  2. Just saw this, whoops! Love you too, and thank you!!
