Sunday, July 29, 2012

I gotta go and I cannot wait.

Today I have been thinking a lot about college. And I have no idea why. But it's always in the back of my brain. All I've been thinking is, I have got to get out of here, and quick. My three part time jobs are not exactly how I'd like to spend my summer, but hey, money for college is crucial. I guess I'll thank myself later. I probably will. Lately mom has been bringing home my basic groceries, basic kitchen tools, boxes of noodles, stocked me up on shaving cream, lotsa saran wrap, and heck- she even bought me bundles of my own toilet paper. Here is a description of what my room looks like. One side is college everything stacked up, some on the couch and some in tubs. My comforter set, my laundry stuff, my entertainment for college, all that is on one side of the room. And on the other side, is where I'm living. I don't ever make my bed anymore, actually I stopped doing that when I was like 12. I have all my belongings that I won't be taking to college in my hope chest, and  I have lotsa clothes on the floor. I clean them, but really, they're just gonna get packed up anyways. Hahaha. I'm trying to imagine what it'll all look like come a month from today. Should be pretty bare. Boxed up. It's so freaking scary, but so freaking exciting!! Mainly, I just want to step out of my comfort zone. I want a change of scenery, new people, and a new me. I guess this is the part of life, where people truly find out who they are and the actual idea of what they really want. I've been trying to compare my wants right now, to the wants I'll have at college. They'll probably change or be forgotten completely. I have a plan for myself, but, who knows, ask me in a few months down the road or even next year- the plan could totally change. That's pretty terrifying, considering I have a pretty safe and secure plan. But, things happen. I have my expectations of what my first year of college will be like. I will more than likely just want to scream and pull my hair out due to stresses ranging from strangers as roommates and how I am just not the best student. But I'm going to try to just breathe and keep it all in and try to act as an adult. Ha. I know that it is not going to be easy, but I need it. I think that is why I'm having such a hard time getting through this boring summer. My life is waiting. I think this is the first time ever, that I will ever ever ever say, I wish this summer would go by faster. I gotta go, and I cannot wait!


Sunday, July 15, 2012

18... It's about time. And how sweet it is.

Well, I made it! The big 18. I feel like it's finally just about time! But my mom totally put a downer on the day when she said that age says nothing, it's your actions. So basically she said that yeah, I'm 18, but I don't act like it. Haha. I know she means well, it was funny. But I really do feel 18. Adult? Well, yeah, I guess so. :)
          A little bit about my birthday weekend. Friday, after I got off work, I went home and got ready for my birthday date with T-Platt. For the first time in forever (because I hardly get ready in the summer), I got all fancied up, and right at 5:00, or something like that.. I answered the door and there was this tall, handsome boyfriend of mine standing with a rose in his hand and the cheesiest grin on his face. He patiently waited as I finished getting ready and we left for town. I may list many reasons as to why he's a keeper throughout this post. The fact that he literally lives on the opposite side of town from me and drives back and forth just to pick me up, drop me off, etc.. it's definitely a points winner. I'm grateful. Not many boys would do that, especially when it takes 25-30 minutes in between. BUT, then again... his parents do pay for the gas.... haha.
           We got to town, and he took me to Michaels on the Lake, where I most definitely got spoiled. Red rasberry lemonade, caesar salad, and yes... STEAK. The kid allowed me to order a pricey steak and potatoes and the whole shabang! IT WAS AWESOME. After we stuffed our bellies full of amazing food, Baskin Robbins was our next stop. Though we did sit in his car for like 15 minutes just to let our tummies find room for more. After really yummy ice cream, Tyler thought it'd be fun to go people watching in the park... it was so wierd. Haha. "Come on, Makenna! Just enjoy it!" Yeah, Moses Lake has super classy people. Then once I had had enough of the horrible wanna-be band music and campers in McCosh, we hopped in his car (me a little too happy to do so) and drove to the movie theaters and saw Ice Age 4 or 5 or whatever it is. 3D. Super cute, but super long. And of course, I'd get the luck of the draw and have a drunk guy seated behind me, slurring his words, and spilling his drink everywhere and being obnoxious. I could smell it. Nasty. Then he finally got up and left, with his bum hanging out of his shorts. Oh yuck. It was a good laugh though, some people are so pathetic.
            Ty took me home around 11:15 and we stargazed on my trampoline until 12. As soon as it hit midnight, he said happy birthday and kissed me. Kissed me good. Am I allowed to say that? Oh well, it's my blog... and I'm an adult! ;) Friday night was just really good. For Saturday, since that was my real birthday, my phone and my facebook got blown up with happy birthday wishes, and that was really just so sweet and I so appreciated it. I slept a lot on my birthday. Haha. I didn't have to work and I was just relaxed! Joshua got home from EFY and I got to talk to him about how much he loved it, and about a cute girl that he met. A mormon girl. Haha. Joshie is such a good boy. I really didn't do much all day until about 4:30 when Ty came over. We watched Eragon on tv and did nothing. I'm so good at doing nothing. Especially when you have a sweet boyfriend to snuggle with and absolutely do nothing. 5:30, and we were all seated down at the dinner table and had, once again... STEAK and potatoes and salads and it was... amazing. I was in heaven, having steak two days in a row! My family really gets along with and likes Ty, and that makes me super happy and content.
            7:30, and my grandparents came for dessert and presents. I told Tyler that I would be getting a ton of stuff for college. Welcome to being an adult! haha. And I did, but every single thing I got I loved. Mom and Dad got me a lot of stuff for my apartment: shoe hangers and shelf hangers, a chalkboard for my roomies and I to write notes to each other, clothes, and some really good smelling lotions and whatnot. My grandma and pa got me a handy little "satchel" that will carry everything I need at college like my laptop and binders and all that school stuff. And my grandma was careful to add already stamped envelopes and blank cards, she should self addressed them! Haha. My sweet Mimi and Bampa gave me a thoughtful card and some birthday money. Birthday money is always good :)
             AAANNND. My favorite present, came from Ty. The sweet boy brought in this huge basket. In it was a blanket THAT HE MADE ON HIS OWN in my favorite color, a teddy bear (that I'm pretty sure smells just like him), Dove chocolates, BYU I shirt so I can stop reppin' Utah State haha, BYU I lanyard, and a cute little card. Yeah, his ma may have put it all together, and no he didn't go all the way to Rexburg- just had the sis' in law bring my shirt&lanyard down, but he thought of every single thing JUST for me. And c'mon, he made a flippin blanket! He impressed me most definitely, but in that moment, my grandma and my mom- they were so won over. Haha.
            So, we had some good cake and ice cream, said goodbye to the grandparents, and finished off the night by watching UP. It was a simple, yet, beautiful day. The only thing that could have completed it... is if my parents flew up Maren here and she, you know, woke me up in my bed, but haha,  I'm happy. Everything's good. I'm 18. I think Ty was more excited than I was, but hey, it's all good. And you know what's even better?.... I can have steak for breakfast. :)

            Thank you for supporting me the last 18 years, and for the support to come and that will always stay. I love you all!

Lemonade. At Michaels.
Ty thinks this picture is funny.
He done did good, it's teal and all.
He enjoyed the chocolate cake! baha.
Cheesy smiles say it all.

A happy smile, to a happy birthday!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I miss Maren.

So, from the title, you can already tell that I'm just gonna go off about how I miss Maren so much. Well- I do, okay?! I just really do. This summer is nothing like I thought it would be, and that's basically because I'm spending it without my best friend. She's having a blassssstttt. Which is awesome! But I can already tell that Skyping sessions just, won't be enough. I sound like such a hopeless girl without her. Well- I am, okay?! It's just completely different without her.
          Tomorrow is the 4th of July. My first Hirz family party without her. We kinda make the best memories then. Like, the best. I'm taking Tyler with me, but there's only so much a boyfriend can do, and Maren's got BIG shoes to fill. Like, huge. But, other than me moping about how much I miss Maren, life is pretty good. Really nothing too special right now because the biggest thing going on in my life is extreme makeover up room edition. No joke, I've gone through every drawer, every shelf, every part of my closet and every nook and cranny in my room. My Aunt Julie is having a garage sale, and so I gots lots to get rid of and get some extra moneys college. AND I'm kinda already starting to pack. Scary. I feel like I did when I saw Maren's room becoming empty- eek.
           It's funny, even though I'm at a major point in my life, I feel like I'm stuck! I go to work, do the last little college preparation stuff, and I go and hang out with my friends and Ty, and watch PLL- which, there was not a new episode today and I'm SOOO heated. But anyways. And it's a fine routine! I love being with my friends and Ty. I like working at the snow shack, not so much my other job- but it's cool. Everything is fine. But I think I'm just like, ohkkayy- I'm ready, let's go! But at the same time I'm like, ohkay, as soon as it's time to go, Imma be wishin it wasn't! Haha. Sit for a while and listen to what goes on in my head, and you'd think I'm crazy. I just really miss Maren.
            Okay, so basically I just wanted to blog because my life is boring and I miss Maren. Yup. That's basically it. Haha. Don't worry, life is good, but life without Maren- that's no life at all! Oh and I blogged because I'm super bored. Don't be too flattered Mare ;) Peace out.

Nuff SAID!!