It's April! Springtime. Living in Rexburg for the past 8 months has REALLY helped me appreciate Springtime. The snow has finally melted away, the grass is starting to regain color, and I can go places without a coat. So, I welcome you, warm weather.
I can't believe it! My Rexburg experience has finally come to an end. I have finals the next two days, and then I am packing up and heading home on Saturday! Okay, well, I might have already begun packing, like last week. No judgment. But, if you were me, you'd be packed up too. Maybe even after like the first month. And I'm not even kidding.
Alright, I always make Rexburg sound unbearable. Let me not be Negative Nancy for once, huh? I have had wonderful experiences here... and not so good ones as well, that have shaped me into who I am right now. I truly have learned a lot, and have had to push through a lot, but- I have come out of this experience with very valuable life lessons.
I am ready to go home. SO READY. I think my Daddy is just as ready. I've had my fun here, but we all know Moses Lake is where it's at. The Farm is where I want to be, with all my 20+ cousins. I can't wait to hug my brothers, then annoy them for 5 months. I can't wait to drive a car on familiar streets and country roads. I am ready to sleep in my own bed, in my own room, in my safe house. I'm ready to be loved by welcoming family members. I'm ready to eat my mom's home cooked meals, and NOT have to do my own grocery shopping and budgeting and all that. I cannot wait to ride my horse that I've missed terribly, through the fields and to feel free again. I'm ready to see my excited dog, and meet my Uncle's new puppies. I can't wait to be in my living room, sitting on soft couches and seeing our family pictures everywhere. I am so ready to be back where I come from, where I belong.
I just have to get through this week. The semester ends Wednesday. Final assignments will all be done and turned in by that day. That makes me so happy. Thursday I will pack up the rest of my things. Roommates will be gone by Friday afternoon. I will see some good friends on Friday evening that are coming up for their spring semester. And then, my parents will get in from driving all day at midnight. I cannot explain how overjoyed I am to see them soon. I appreciate them so much. We'll crash for the night in my empty apartment, pack the car up in the morning, and my parents will take me HOME.
It's crazy to think that in just a week, I will be in my home, sitting at the dinner table with my family, and eating momma's food. (Ma, this is your hint now, steak would be lovely). So, ask me how I'm doing by next Sunday, and I'll say as happy as can be!
So, if yal back in Mo Town feel like throwing me a welcome home party- I will gladly accept. Hugs are welcome. Oh, and I need a job. Help a sista out. LOVE YOU ALL. Cannot wait to see yal. XOXO. PEACE OUT REXBURGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.
What a beautiful touching post Makenna. I felt what you were writing. Well said. It is true that there is no place like home. One day you will find that special young man, marry and you and he will establish your own home and one day your own children will feel the same as you do now when they are coming home from college, missions, etc. Home is a haven and a place of peace. Home is the smell of freshed baked cookies, hearing the farm machinery out in the fields, smelling the hay for your horse, planting a garden with mom and much will be yours again soon. Enjoy your journey of life. There will always be ups and downs but we are here to learn and to grow and to show our faith and trust in our Heavenly Father. Go one step at a time...just a nice slow easy step that gives you time to enjoy your surroundings and the happenings. Looking forward to seeing you and feeling your special spirit. I love you Makenna. Hugs, Mimi
ReplyDeleteThank you Mimi! I love you as well. You are wonderful! I cannot wait to see you and Bampa! I've missed you!!