Sunday, November 20, 2011

One Step Closer

This week has been pretty darn cool. Thursday was probably the best day, for sure. I didn't have practice that night, so I took advantage of relaxing after Landon's first basketball game. I was checking my emails and was notified that a decision had been made in my application for BYU-Idaho. I quickly then went to the website and sure enough... my heart was literally about to stop. So nervous. And I opened my eyes between my fingers covering my face and saw "Congratulations!" and that's all I needed to see. I grabbed my phone and sent out texts to my parents, friends, and family. Even posted it on Facebook. I'm excited, can't you tell? Guess how many likes I got on it so far? 104 so far ;)
              My Grandma bawled, my mom jumped up and down, and my dad said "Cool! Good Job!". Haha, typical Dad. I mean, of course he was excited for me, but women tend to show more emotion, correct? Well, as for me, my heart was happy happy. Now, I just have to wait for my track. I'M ONE STEP CLOSER!
              Friday was awesome. BREAKING DAWN WAS SO GREAT. My friends hated it, but I thought it was absolutely wonderful. Probably I'm a sucker for romance, and I love Robert Pattison and Taylor Lautner. Drill Team got our own showing, and then went to Incas. YUM. I then, AGAIN sang the National Anthem at a play off game at Lions. It was so cold, but I got to sing up in the booth! Then my good friend Heidi P and I got to play nintendo and drink hot chocolate at my house. We crashed early. Forget about the late nights anymore- by Tuesday your exhausted. Literally.
               Saturday was also great. My body doesn't let me sleep in anymore, so ten was the latest I slept. Baha, even that is pretty late, but not as late as what I used to. I went to Kyle's basketball game, what a baller. My Dad put my snow tires on and I cleaned out my car completely once I got home. Every compartment, under every seat, and nook and cranny. It felt very clean. My chore for the day was to clean the bathroom. OH YUCK. When you share a bathroom with 3 other boys... it literally becomes a TASK and it's just gross. The toothpaste bottle is messy and exploding, and dirty clothes and water are just everywhere. I'm pretty sure I know the culprit of water everywhere. Josh obviously likes to come out of the shower dripping and not wipe up all the water. SO ANNOYING. The bathroom is a flood after him. SO, that was quite fun. I then got ready for my last Sadies dance ever! It was absolutely great. I took Josh Black, one of my good friends. Our group made homemade pizzas at the Bergeson's, and we had a chocolate fondue fountatin. It was a complete mess; flour and chocolate everywhere. But we had so much fun. Before we went to the dance, we played a card game and IT WAS SO STUPID. Pounce is the name. Josh and I suck at that game.
            At the dance, we had a blast. The decorations were awesome, the music wasn't all that bad, and it was in the gym, so there was more room. Yeah, there was the typical dirty dancing everywhere- but you could pick out the Mormons. We danced at the front of the gym, and we had so much fun, dancing the right way and the clean BUT fun way. It was awesome. We actually stayed for a good hour and a half- better than Homecoming. As we walked out, we were happy because we left that dance knowing we chose the right. The right language, the right dancing, and the right people. We even started singing our EFY Theme Song. "We believe all things, and the hope He brings. It's a light into the darkness, there's a fire in our hearts. And we believe He knows, every one of us will grow. Planted like a seed of faith- WE BELIEVE!".
            We were just being silly, but it still spiritual for me because it was true. We are an example of the believers. We are happy! So, we went to the Earl's house and played telephone charades, then spoons, and had donuts and ice cream cake, and then we all went on our merry ways. Josh and I had a good talk on the way home about missions, and our non member friends. We just have to keep doing the right thing. I had a great night.

Today is Sunday and I am freezing in this house. But, I love these days because I am in sweats and a sweatshirt and fuzzy socks with my hair up in a ponytail. There's good food everywhere, and the candles are lit. The whole Hirz family will be getting together tonight to celebrate my cousin's Sweet 16. I remember that day ;) It's days like these that I will most definitely miss at College. But I am so looking forward to what's coming up. Everyday is one step closer. 

                                                        I am really getting excited.

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