Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Molahiette Forever.

When the world says "GIVE UP," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
Instead of trying to write down my feelings and thoughts on this year in large paragraphs, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. :)
From beginning to end, a journey worth a thousand words!

                                                First performance back on Lion's Field!

                                               Kickin high! I'm on the 1st line on the left!

                                                Football Performances were so much fun!

                                                                       Senior Night!

                                             Pep Assembly Performance! Gangsta dance. ;)

       I seriously loved this dance, was the only thing close to hip hop we did!

                                                    Gettin' down with our bad selves!

                                                                 Guy/Girl Routine!

                                           Some good looking Kissing Bandit Seniors :)

                                                  Quincy Comp! (I'm in the back.)

                                         Quincy Comp, love this dance! Can't you tell?

                                             Shadle Park Comp! Vocal: scream loudly. :)

                                                  Leg hold! Couldn't do one last year. :)

                                                           West Valley Comp! Military.

                                                      Winning at EVERY competition!


                                           DOMINATION. Vocal: SCREAM REAL LOUD.

                                                   Winner winner, chicken dinner!

                                      Seniors last State experience! Came out as CHAMPS!

                                   We win! 2 time State Champions! With one 2nd place!

                          Last practice! Bitter sweet! Were given fanny packs for Nationals!

                                        Getting on the airplane! CALIFORNIA BOUND.

                May not have won with this one at Nationals, but sure did at State!
                                                         My favorite dance ever!

             NATIONAL CHAMPIONS IN LARGE DANCE/POM! Best thrill of my life.

                                             NATIONAL CHAMPS IN KICK! yesssss.

                                          Forever an accomplished and proud family!

                                                                        WE DID IT!

           There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good. ~Edwin Denby
                    For real though, this girl got me through a ton!!! Love you Camielia!

                                                                           I DID IT.

                                         Once a Molahiette, ALWAYS a MOLAHIETTE!

I can't believe it's over. I did it. Through literally... blood, sweat, and tears. But also through success and small failures. But really, if you try- you never fail. This has been an experience that I'll take with me for the rest of my life and beyond. I am so blessed. Through inspired coaches and hard working dancers to dance alongside, through early mornings that were worth every sore muscle, and through never ending practices- we came out as victors! I owe alot to my coaches and my team, they've given me so much. I am so grateful to my unconditionally supportive family and friends, and for being able to have them to count on has been a true blessing. But all in all, I am so PROUD of myself. I've done things this year I never thought I'd be able to. I've done the impossible and because of this experience I will continute to do so. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for always being there to listen to my prayers and helping me get up when I didn't think I could. I could not have done it without any of these people I have listed. What a perfect way to spend a HUGE chunk of my Senior Year! What am I supposed to do with myself now?? Oh, I know... graduate ;) I know that the season is over, but it's never really over, never. I earned my title... I am and will be, a Molahiette FOREVER.
                                                                                                                                   Thank you.


1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you Makenna. It has been a joy to see your growth, happiness and success this year. What a wonderful ride.... thank you for letting us share the journey. Your biggest fan, Mom
