Sunday, March 4, 2012

An end in my sight, a beginning in my hands.

Ok. So, it's March. We're 3 months into the new year, and I haven't even blogged yet. Right now, with only 4 months left til graduation, I'm trying to keep my sanity. Senior year is dumb. I don't know if it's my attitude that is keeping me from liking it, but honestly, all I can think of is how much I want to be d-o-n-e with high school. I have a countdown going on. One month til the early morning practices are over, and man, it's going to end with a bang. State is only about 3 weeks away, and Nationals 4 weeks away. We've had success at every competition so far, taking first places in all of our dances and the occasional second places. This weekend is districts, so that means a ton of never ending practices. I absolutely love my team, and we're on our way to do the impossible. But that's the thing, with us... anything is possible. We're building the dream together, and we're about to show them all! I may be exhausted, and may come home after practices feeling like I can't go another day, but this year has been more than worth it. I've done things this year in drill team that I never thought I could do. I've been put to the test emotionally and physically. But I've learned so much about myself, and never have I been so proud of myself! So, I'm doing all I can to enjoy the last month of tears (both exhausted and happy), being sore, team bonding, early and late practices, and taking hard work to the floor and performing. This is the end of my dancing career, and I know I'll be devastated when it's over, but that only means, once it's over... next stop-graduation.
           This last stretch of high school has been a year of lasts and changes, and honestly- I've been so happy about it! 4 months! 4 months! Graduation will be the best day of my life. I know that I have been a complete downer this year, but can you really blame me for disliking the place they call school? I have a completely different opinion on what high school is now. Once I leave high school, I get to enjoy my last summer with my friends before some of guy friends leave for their missions, my best friend leaves to college for a summer term, and have one last hoorah til all my friends and I go our separate ways for college. I don't know how all that is going to feel, but it's time it starts happening.
           I start college on September 10th, and I have to be down to my apartment at BYU-I by September 7th. It's going to be a completely different experience, but it will be the experience I've been needing and am ready for. The end of high school is just only so far away.
           So I guess all I'm trying to say is something plain and simple. I cannot wait to graduate high school, summer will be the best thing ever, and college is a new beginning that is forming right in my hands. Only 4 months til I wear my cap and gown, 5 months til I'm 18, and 7 months til I have a new zip code.


  1. OK girlie!! Can you really be graduating??? NO NO NO!! that makes me OLD OLD OLD!! talk about BFF's... yo momma-- is MINE! OLD RICKS roomies, your dad still on his mission, Mindi hanging out with me and the roomies.... and to think you are going there and she will be one of the mom's
    who visit for "mothers week" Well don't be surprised when I show up tooo.. my kids aren't gonna be in college for 10+yrs and I will be too old and unhip, so I'm coming to hang with you!!

    Seriously I am so proud of what an amazing girl you are!! hope my girls turn out to be so cute and good!! xox Your Canadian "Aunty MO" :)

    1. Oh thank you! That's so nice of you! I honestly can't wait, I graduate June 2! I'm sure I'll have a worse time than my mom, I don't do too well without her for more than a week, but it's an experience I think I'm ready for. Time to start really growing up? haha. Can't wait for college! Yeah, I guess that's wierd even for me to try to imagine my parents actually having lives before me ;)JUST KIDDING. But not really. haha. Thanks for such a nice comment, tell your girls hi for me and I'm sure they'll turn out cuter and better than you say I am ;) thank you!!!

  2. Hi sweetie. I miss you. This post made me cry. I am literally so happy for you! Live up the last month of dance team. The week before nationals you will want to give up every second and everything will make you want to tear your hair out but you just have to keep telling yourself you can do it! Performing at Nationals will be the best thing you will ever experience in your life and I am so stoked for you! We are crossing our fingers for Tanner to get fall semester and then I will literally be an hour and half away from you! Your first semester of college will be amazing, trust me:) I’m always here for you girl if you need someone to talk to! I LOVE YOU

  3. I'm sorry, I didn't even notice that you had left a comment! But thank you hails! Drill team was great, high school is more than almost over, and college will be even better! Did Tanner get the fall semester??
