Monday, December 2, 2013

b l e s s e d .

I can't stop thinking about the wonderful Thanksgiving break I had last week. My heart is full and my life is even fuller. I may be biased, but I believe that my family and my home are the BEST. I don't even know how I got so lucky... but the one thing I kept thinking when I was home is how GRATEFUL I am. I kept asking myself, how can I even complain about the hardships in my life, when I have SO many blessings to be thankful for?

I got into Moses Lake around 8:30 on Tuesday morning of the 26th. I left Rexburg right after my last class at 12:30. I was all packed and ready to go. Though the car ride was uncomfortable since we had three squished girls in the back, it was a fun ride and and we got there in good time. I was dropped off at the Church and my mom was the first one I saw. I really love my mom. When we got home, my dad & brothers were hiding from me. Haha. Making me work for the hugs. It was great to see everyone and eat dinner that Dad made. Everyone was happy and I was so happy to be home. Sleeping in my own bed in my own room was heavenly, and I slept sooo good.

Wednesday morning, I didn't get out of bed until noon (I didn't wake up to any loud roommates and it was awesome), showered and spent the rest of my day relaxing getting some homework done. (Yes, I had homework over break... dumb.) Then I made my rounds to the grandparents, and spent some time at my Grandma and Pa's and learned how to make Deviled Eggs for Thanksgiving- I did pretty good!! I also helped snap green beans and make fudge. It was fun to help out!

Thursday was sooo happy. We had Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandma and Pa's and it was perfect. I went and saw my horse and took her a big bag of carrots, because if I get to eat, she gets to eat, right? It's only fair. It really was such a good day. I even helped my Pa make a Facebook. It was so funny explaining to him how it works. Later that evening, I went and had dessert at the Hirz's and played games with the cousins. To end the night, all my girl cousins came over as well as my friend Tasha and we played a... friendly... round of Mario Party on the Nintendo 64. The small things in life are the big things for me. It was such a great Thanksgiving.

Friday happened to be another great day! I woke up and helped mom transform our house from Fall/Thanksgiving to complete Winter Wonderland. We turned on the Christmas music and got to work. She even let me decorate the Christmas Tree all on my own. And I think that I did pretty well! It is white/silver Christmas themed. That night, Dad made steak the SIZE OF MY HEAD, and it was almost embarrassing how excited it made me. I dominated it, and we left as a family to town to go see the new Catching Fire movie at the theater. Maren's (boyfriend?), Michael and his friend came up to hang out, so they watched the movie with us. It was an awesome movie. I loved the books, and I definitely love the movies. Afterwards, I went bowling with Michael and his friend, got hot chocolate, and it was another fun filled evening!

Saturday was another good day. I did have to write a 5 paged paper for one of my classes (could my teacher have picked a worse week to do a huge assignment??), but I got it done and then spent some time Tasha and tried out another new homemade meal Mom made. She's brilliant. That night, we made gingerbread houses... Mine was pretty ugly, but it was still fun! Then I made my goodbye rounds, and we watched Harry Potter as a family. My last wish was to play video games with all my brothers, so that ended my Saturday night and then we said goodbye and goodnight. I drug out my sleeping as long as I could, because I just didn't want to leave again. HOME IS SO... home. I love it with all my heart.

Sunday came too soon. I left at 9 am and didn't get back to Rexburg until 9 that night. The car ride dragged on and on, but I just slept most of the time, so I can't complain. Rexburg sure is cold. But all is well. Only 2 1/2 weeks left in the semester and then its 2 1/2 weeks at home! CHRISTMAS TIME!

I really am just so grateful. I have it so good. I am so blessed. I can't wait to go home to those I love, and those who love me. Life is good.

1. My little turkey and I on Thanksgiving.
2. My work of art.
3. I did pretty well!!
4. Mediocre gingerbread house making skills.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Because I can never contain my excitement, I'm sure most of you know that I attended my very first Taylor Swift concert on Saturday. And I have never, ever been more impressed with someone in my life.

My mom and I traveled up to Tacoma, WA this past Saturday morning. We only missed an exit once... even with the "TomTom" (GPS device). I guess it's just not good to have two blondes in a car driving around in a huge city. Clearly. Eventually, we checked into our hotel around 3:00pm, and had 4 hours to be ready. The concert started at 7 o'clock pm sharp.

I had known that I would be going to a T-Swizzie concert since February/March. It was my birthday gift. Happy 19th to me! Taylor Swift has been my idol... more like best friend... since her first singles "Our Song" & "Tim McGraw" came out. Which was like, forever ago. 2006/2007 ish. So, needless to say, I had been looking forward to that one day I'd be able to see her with my own eyes for a long time. And my hard working poppa bear was kind enough to make yet another dream come true for this girl.

Taylor Swift is a role model for plenty of teenage girls. Late teens. Adult women, even. And the boys all have crushes on her, so, this girl is loved. But, back to the girls. T-Swizzie's trademark is her bright red lips, at least recently this year. I too, have picked up on it. A little color is good. (And believe me, every girl at the concert had red lips goin' on). 

With red lips, curled blonde hair, my Taylor Swift t-shirt, and my gorgeous date- the lovely Mama Hirz, I danced all the way over to the Tacoma Dome, which was... really, just in the backyard of the hotel. There was a ton of people, lots of little excited girls- and older girls like me... and older women like my mom, haha... Come on, who doesn't adore Miss Taylor??

We had pretty nice seats. Not too close (haha, is there even a too close?), and not too far away. We could see everything clearly and were so excited that we couldn't even care! The ONLY downside is that we were near a CRAZED fan who was jumping and screaming BEFORE the concert even started and I swear, haha, she was going to fall on top of the people sitting below her. She was insane. Holy moley.

Casey James, another country artist, kept us entertained, which I didn't know was going to happen, so that was cool. He had cool hair. And a nice smile. And could sing. I kind of thought he was cute.

Ed Sheeran then opened the concert, and he was lovely, so that's awesome. He is super talented and I could listen to him all day. And plus, he has the cutest accent in the entire world. Accent's are fantastic.

FINALLY... after almost an hour and a half of brutal waiting, Taylor came out and sang to my soul. Haha. She came out with her red, bedazzled microphone and started the party. She gave away her black hat that she wore for the first performance to a girl down in the floor section. That lucky girl was so shocked and just stood there bawling and clutching onto the hat. It was so pathetically precious. I would have done the same.

I know one thing. There are good and bad celebrities. Celebrities that give you something to look up to, and celebrities that lead you to be someone you shouldn't be, that make bad things look so fun and easy. Taylor fits the criteria of good celebrities. After singing her first song, she stood on the stage, and just genuinely smiled as she was cheered on. (Loudly, LOUDLY cheered on). Maybe it was just me, but I really feel like she really felt loved and admired. She was so happy, and the crowd of 20,000 that came out to see her truly humbled her, I think. (Not that she really needs any humbling). She stood there almost in disbelief of the incredible support. That was probably one of my favorite parts, seeing something- someone REAL.

She was perfection. A drama queen. And she put on one heck of a show. From props, dancers (shout out to my homegirl Caitlynn who GOT her own shout out by Taylor Swift herself!), lights, sparklers, confetti, two different stages, to a floating platform ABOVE the crowd- I'd say that she not only met expectations, but exceeded them! I was really blown away. My mom loved it, too. And my mom doesn't really do concerts.

One thing I really enjoyed, is that Taylor talked in between songs, about how she became to be who she is now. She said she writes about what she knows, and they just happen to be about love. She explained why the title of the album is Red. There's a difference between loving and being in love, compared to being crazy about someone, hopeless, and desperately in love and hardly even staying in control of your emotions. And even if things get hard, go bad, end abruptly and blow up in your face-all those emotions have ONE color to match it all- RED.

Taylor Swift has always written and sang the words that I couldn't say. Because, duh, she's a genius when writing about love, falling in love, falling out, and then dealing coping with your miserable life. Haha. And she's right, even if you fall out of love and you say, "Oh, I'm NEVER doing that again, that was awful"... You find yourself doing something treacherous.... falling back in. Because love always begins again. We just have to let it begin again.

That concert was more than the confetti and glam. I learned a lot from someone who seems to just know it all. Even though I know she doesn't, she comes pretty close, so I'll just take her word for it. We should never be afraid. Because someday, looking back, all the sad, beautiful, tragic parts of our life, will have shaped us into the person we were meant to be. And you just might find who you're supposed to be.

On her closing performance, she walked up the stairs of the stage, stood at the top, and looked out again at everyone. She had that same look of genuine happiness and appreciativeness. I was so impressed with her, and she honestly deserves all of her success!

I had the best time with my mom, and I am so glad I got to do something so exciting and fantastic with her before I head back for college in less than two weeks. (Gosh dang it). I caught a piece of confetti and I plan on sending it to my cousin Maren, who is on her mission, currently in the MTC. I know she'll appreciate having a piece of the concert with her. She was originally the one who was supposed to come with. And even though that would have been great, I am so glad that I got to go with my mom. I know she had fun, too. She even wore red pants. (GO MOM!).

It's all over and I'm sad. But with the way Taylor's fame is going, there will be PLENTY more concerts to go to and scream, and sing, and cry to all over again. Haha. Because I know T-Swizzie won't stop writing about my life. ;) So, when's that next album comin' out? Haha. #can'twait

"Loving him was RED."

                                                              Right before the concert.
                                                                  All sorts of excited!!
                                                              Lucky ticket. (Cheesy grin).
                                                                      Straight cheesin'.
                                                         iPhone's suck at taking pictures.
                                                        Confetti for my sister missionary.

THANK YOU DAD!! xoxo. -Kenna

Monday, May 13, 2013

Job Hunting & Home Cooked Meals.

I've been home for a month exactly, today. And I'm thoroughly enjoying being home. I may never want to go back to Rexburg again. But, that might change by September. Ah, who am I kidding, I will be going back to school whether I like it or not.

There are tons of reasons I love being home. Here are a few.
  1. CLEAN HOUSE. (Probably my favorite. I love you Mom.)
  2. MY OWN ROOM. (Personal space is always wonderful.)
  3. NO GIRLS. (Except my mother and I of course.)
  4. HOME COOKED MEALS. (That I don't have to pay for, prepare, etc.)
  5. A QUIET SANCTUARY. (Falling asleep to crickets, frogs, and the circle sprinklers.)
  6. HOME WARD. (Babies and backrubs.)
  7. MY BEST FRIEND IS ACROSS THE FIELD. (Love knowing this.)
  8. MY LITTLE BROTHERS TO PICK ON. (Somewhere deep down I know they missed me.)
  9. A HORSE TO RIDE WHENEVER. (I'll go riding for hours around the farm.)
  10. PARENTS TO HUG EVERY NIGHT. (I sleep so much better.)
Really, those are just a few things. My list goes on and on and on. I promise that I am very responsible and independent now, but getting to enjoy these luxuries- I'm just livin' the life, really.

Except, not everything has been all fun and games. I've been job hunting for a month know. It's frustrating, but humbling really. It makes me realize how truly important the decision in a husband is, and how important an education is. Even though it's a lot of work, I plan on finishing out school for realsies. It's super important.

I still don't know when Heavenly Father plans on blessing me with some sort of job, but I'll keep doing my part and being patient. Something has to come along. I gotta pay for school somehow. And I really would like to take a car to school. But I guess that's just a side goal. So if anyone hears on a job that you think might be something I should look into, that'd be awesome! Really needing help here.

Life is pretty good right now, relaxing and enjoying the beautiful weather here in Mo-Town. Everyday, I get to drive our country roads and there's just something about home that can make you smile no matter what.

And what's better than having home cooked meals every single night? Forget cereal, top ramen, poptarts, and popcorn! Wait, no, I love my popcorn. But I actually I ate pretty dang good at college, too, since I forced myself to learn how to be a little domestic goddess. Just kidding, but not really... I wasn't too bad. I can make some mean homemade chicken noodle soup. My crockpot was my best friend at school. But I love now coming downstairs to the smells of homemade rolls and mom's famous dinners. Tender mercies, man.

I think Kyle enjoys having me home the most. And my momma. Landon grew so much. He's so tall, about to pass Joshua up. Since Joshua is losing in the height department, he uses his muscles against Landon. It's cute. Landon has a deep voice and everything. When I got home a month ago, I ran inside and I grabbed Landon first (Ok... they were already trying to run away from me), and I wrapped my arms around him. At first, I was about to ask him why he was on his tippy toes, but then I realized that I was on MY tip toes!! He just sprouted up. Sweet little Kyle is still a little baby boy, hasn't hit his growth spurt and is as gentle and kind as can be. He's a good kid. I'm happy to be home and be silly with my Dad. He takes such good care of us. He missed his baby girl, too, no big deal. And of all things, my dog was even happy to see me! Just sat there whining and wagging his tail. He's a happy, sweet little doggie. And seeing my horse, bringing her home from Grandpa's, and  jumping back in the saddle made it official that I was HOME.

I really can't believe it's been a month already. What a good month. I like Washington much better than Idaho. Here's to the next 3 1/2 months!


Sunday, April 7, 2013

First Year Away- DONEZO.

    It's April! Springtime. Living in Rexburg for the past 8 months has REALLY helped me appreciate Springtime. The snow has finally melted away, the grass is starting to regain color, and I can go places without a coat. So, I welcome you, warm weather.
    I can't believe it! My Rexburg experience has finally come to an end. I have finals the next two days, and then I am packing up and heading home on Saturday! Okay, well, I might have already begun packing, like last week. No judgment. But, if you were me, you'd be packed up too. Maybe even after like the first month. And I'm not even kidding.
    Alright, I always make Rexburg sound unbearable. Let me not be Negative Nancy for once, huh? I have had wonderful experiences here... and not so good ones as well, that have shaped me into who I am right now. I truly have learned a lot, and have had to push through a lot, but- I have come out of this experience with very valuable life lessons.
     I am ready to go home. SO READY. I think my Daddy is just as ready. I've had my fun here, but we all know Moses Lake is where it's at. The Farm is where I want to be, with all my 20+ cousins. I can't wait to hug my brothers, then annoy them for 5 months. I can't wait to drive a car on familiar streets and country roads. I am ready to sleep in my own bed, in my own room, in my safe house. I'm ready to be loved by welcoming family members. I'm ready to eat my mom's home cooked meals, and NOT have to do my own grocery shopping and budgeting and all that. I cannot wait to ride my horse that I've missed terribly, through the fields and to feel free again. I'm ready to see my excited dog, and meet my Uncle's new puppies. I can't wait to be in my living room, sitting on soft couches and seeing our family pictures everywhere. I am so ready to be back where I come from, where I belong.
     I just have to get through this week. The semester ends Wednesday. Final assignments will all be done and turned in by that day. That makes me so happy. Thursday I will pack up the rest of my things. Roommates will be gone by Friday afternoon. I will see some good friends on Friday evening that are coming up for their spring semester. And then, my parents will get in from driving all day at midnight. I cannot explain how overjoyed I am to see them soon. I appreciate them so much. We'll crash for the night in my empty apartment, pack the car up in the morning, and my parents will take me HOME.
     It's crazy to think that in just a week, I will be in my home, sitting at the dinner table with my family, and eating momma's food. (Ma, this is your hint now, steak would be lovely). So, ask me how I'm doing by next Sunday, and I'll say as happy as can be!
     So, if yal back in Mo Town feel like throwing me a welcome home party- I will gladly accept. Hugs are welcome. Oh, and I need a job. Help a sista out. LOVE YOU ALL. Cannot wait to see yal. XOXO. PEACE OUT REXBURGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.


Sunday, January 27, 2013


      Whoa, am I blogging twice in the same month? This is so wierd. Haha. This post is super simple and not really of  great importance, but I had to share my favorite song that I've been listening to every single day of this new semester. The words mean more to me than really any song. I heard it one day and stopped dead in my tracks and instantly tears were flowing. This song- is so me. I'd like to share it with you!
                                 LOVEBIRD, by Leona Lewis

           "I could lay down next to you, stay in bed all afternoon,
              We were birds of a feather, we were always together.
            And I never will forget all the little things you said,
              In that beautiful summer, you used to call me your lovebird.
            But the time went on, the wind has blown, and I have grown.
              And I started feeling that my wings had been broken.
            I can't believe that I would ever want to be set free,
              But I just can't stay, so your lovebird's flying away...

            Your lovebird's flying away, cause my heart's been stuck in a cage,
              Gotta sing my song so pretty, dum dum diddy.
            And I miss you every day, but there's nothing left to say,
              Gotta sing my song so pretty, dum dum diddy.

             I want the world at my feet, even if it's bittersweet,
              Want to stand on my own end, with my heart in my own hands.
            Because I've begun to see, that you and me- we're different breeds,
              So I've gotta be leaving, got to get back to breathing.
            And I can't believe that I would ever want to be set free,
              But I just can't stay, so your lovebird's flying away...

           Your lovebird's flying away, cause my heart's been stuck in a cage,
             Gotta sing my song so pretty, dum dum diddy.
           And I miss you every day, but there's nothing left to say,
             Gotta sing my song so pretty, dum dum diddy.

           And you'll always be a part of me, you made me who I am.
             But I gotta say I'm not afraid to take my wings back.
           They say if you love something, let it go, let it go, let it go.
             Open up the gates, cause your lovebird's flying away...

           Your lovebird's flying away, cause my heart's been stuck in a cage,
            Gotta sing my song so pretty, dum dum diddy.
          And I miss you every day, but there's nothing left to say,
            Gotta sing my song so pretty, dum dum diddy."

Click here to listen to the song if you haven't heard it!
                I just really like this song. If my life had a soundtrack, this would most definitely be on it! Haha. Happy Sunday to all. I guess I should probably be listening to church music today, my bad.....

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Flashback through 2012.

       So, I was thinking. We're about 17 days into the new year. It really does feel like a new year. I just started my second semester of college here at BYU-I. It's full of mixed feelings. I came to really love my roommates last semester, met new people that I eventually came very close with, and discovered how much I can truly handle. And now that's all gone. Along with a new year, came a new track of new roommates, new people that I haven't connected with, but... I'm still learning how much more I can handle... and what I can't. But today as I was walking home from campus, I thought alot about my 2012. The people that came into my life, and the people that left my life. The memories I created, and the memories that still hold great value to me. The hardships and trials I somehow survived. And every single experience that made for one heck of a year.  I really can't believe that it's a new year. Where did 2012 even go? I would like to list the things I experienced, felt, and learned.
              At the beginning of the year, I got to be a member of the Molahiette Dance Team. That had been a huge dream of mine since I saw them perform for our school my freshman year. In 2011, during the summer, we had worked our butts off, I swear- like every day. As we came into the new year, it was competition season. Was I scared? Nah... maybe a little bit. I've never known the feeling of confidence like I did on that team. With each daily practice and monthly competition, I learned the important lesson of hard work, dedication, and courage. There was nothing that could compare to the way I felt walking on with my team each time to perform. I was never scared that we would make fools of ourselves, I could feel the confidence and excitement just surging through each of us as we danced. It was THE COOLEST thing I've ever felt. And it only took us on to State and Nationals, where we walked away with happiness and, oh you know, championship titles. There are a lot of people that don't understand why we feel the way we feel being a part of that team... only my former and fellow Molahiettes can completely relate and undertand. So, 2012 gave me the opportunity to do what I love and gave me experiences that made my Senior Year so special.
           Also, at the beginning of January, I was accepted into BYU- Idaho. And at that point, I really had no idea what I was getting into. I was so happy to recieve that acceptance letter. My Mom and Grandma cried. I can't believe that's in been a whole year since I've been accepted. My whole senior year I prepared for college and tried my best to stay focused on my ending career of high school. I remember that last stretch, I was so excited to graduate, and to move on to BYU-Idaho.
          Graduation day came. June 2. I had done it! Four whole years. Bleh. I just remember being unbelievably happy walking with my cousin Maren down the field. Okay no, we skipped and danced and victory bumped all the way to our seats. The graduation ceremony was windy and crazy and so fun. We stood up at one point and did a flash mob. Except of course, our senior class being as lame and too cool as we are, only like 50 people stood up and actually did it. I did it proudly. I was recognized that day as a Molahiette and for the State and National Championship. Another proud moment. As the ceremony closed, we turned our tassels and threw our hats in the air. I lost mine. So I went searching for it, knocking down chairs. That was my hat. Haha. Afterwards, flowers and pictures and hugs and congrats were everywhere. Later that day, Maren and I got to share our graduation party. There was so much food and fun and presents and foooddd. That night, I didn't come home. Partyyyy.
          During the summer, I turned 18! That was a big step. I got to share it with special people and was treated well. And now that I was 18, along came so much more freedom. Summer was good. Really good. I miss summer. And during that time, my room became more and more cluttered with college stuff and boxes and suitcases and all that I would need. It started to be exciting... but I also started to get scared out of my mind. A good scared.
           The day I left for Rexburg, Idaho, was one of the hardest days of my entire life. Saying goodbye to my brothers was harder for me, because I think for them it hadn't set in yet. It wasn't real for them until I was actually gone. As I got in the car, that was jam packed with my belongings, I cried and cried. And my mom thought it'd be funny to take a picture. Real funny, ma. I forgave her. Though no one will ever see those pictures. Saying goodbye to my dog was even difficult! Driving out of my driveway... I am pretty sure I almost died. But I made it to Rexburg eventually and it has become a second home. Kinda.
           First semester took me for a spin. I'm not exactly sure how I'm still alive and breathing after it. I found out who I am.... and who I wasn't. The things I won't ever be. I found out what is important. And Heavenly Father took me from the path I was on, to this new path I'm still trying to figure out how to walk on. It's kind of humorous.... how Heavenly Father works. Obviously, I don't know my plan at all, so I'm just blindly following. Faith is key, I guess. But first semester, even though it was the most tough, crazy, and difficult start..... turned out to be the most wonderful experience I could ever have at college. I guess that's why I find it so hard to adjust to this new semester.
          Going home for Thanksgiving and Christmas made me realize how much I love home and where I come from. I am so extremely blessed and I am eternally grateful for the life I live. During Christmas break, our family watched home videos, and I was so happy to just know that I have one of the greatest families on this earth. And this great family gets to go to heaven together to be an eternal family. Through thick and thin, tough times and happy times, they're the only people I run to, and I feel so safe whenever I am home. I can't wait to see them in April.
          My last wonderful experience of 2012, was New Years Eve. I had been pondering in my head a lot what I could do to free myself from past experiences and memories that were weighing down on me. I made the concious decision to stop letting certain things control me- that I could be sad and think about whatever I wanted, but that I had to let it all go.... and move onward. And I did. As soon as it hit 2013- I was free.
        I am so happy to be who I am. For what I've experienced, known, and for whatever is up next for me. It could be a mission. It could be more school. It could be whatever else. I don't know! Maren was saying the other day in a letter, that we're at the age where we can do anything, be anything, choose anything, and try anything we want! Whether it's making the huge decision to go on a mission, study abroad, switch colleges, or you know- just maybe find the one and get hitched and start a family! It's so wonderful because it's our choice. And that's also why it's the most terrifying thing in the world. So here's to a new year. What's up next for me? I don't know. I turn 19 in July. Maybe I'll go serve the Lord by going on a mission? Maybe I'll do more schooling? Maybe I'll like, out of the blue, meet my husband? Haha, not likely, but YOU NEVER KNOW! But Heavenly Father does. So this new year is a year of faith, and true dependance on Him, to get me where I need to be. Peace out 2012. Hello 2013.